Listed below are some Transport Canada requirements that apply to operate a Small Commercial Vessel in Canadian
waters :
Small Vessel Compliance Program (SVCP)
To help with your compliance requirements, Transport Canada created
on June 02, 2011 the SVCP for small non‐pleasure vessel owners to reflect the 2010 Small Vessel Regulations
and Construction Standards for Small Vessels. This is an optional and easy‐to‐use tool to help make sure your small
non‐pleasure vessel meets its requirements under the CSA 2001. A successful enrolment in the SVCP will result in the
owner being issued a 'Blue Decal' to be displayed on their vessel. Find how to enroll in the program here:‐small‐1485.htm; Safety Equipment: Specific to vessel means safety equipment
as defined in Small Vessel Regulations, CSA 2001 or prevailing regulations that are applicable to your vessel and area of
operation. Note: vessels over 5 gross tons and operating beyond 2 miles from shore must carry and properly maintain a
life raft;
Restricted Radio Operators Certificate – Marine (RROCM)
Available from your local Power Squadron. Digital Selective Calling (DSC) radios may need further qualifications.
Note : operators of vessels that do not carry VHF radios on inland lakes and rivers are not required to have RROC‐M;
Marine Emergency Duties A3 (MED A3): This course is available from Georgian College, Institut maritime du Québec
and some other course providers. It is a one day course covering Marine Emergency Duties pertaining to small vessels;
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP): Required by everyone operating a commercial vessel except those that
require and have a Master Limited certificate;
First Aid Marine Basic: Available through St Johns or Canadian Red Cross
The Marine First Aid Basic is required by members with Limited Master Certification, all other members need a provincially recognized First Aid Course.
Limited Master Certification
Existing law requires these operator certificates on passenger vessels over 5 gross tons. These can be achieved aboard your vessel and a TC examiner will provide you with the oral, written and practical parts of the certification. You must have this certification to operate your vessel while carrying passengers. A course is available from Georgian College.
These requirements are updated from time to time and the latest Transport Canada Information may be found at by clicking here.