Ontario Sport Fishing Guides Association Membership - 2025
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What is the Ontario Sport Fishing Guides Association?
We are a group of professional fishing charter boat operators and guides in Ontario established for over 25 years. Individual members warrant that they comply with government safety and vessel operation regulations. The purpose of the Ontario Sport Fishing Guides Association (OSGA) is to set a standard for its members.
Membership Fees:
In 2025, the new membership cost as well as the renewals will be $125.00.
The online form will be available for submitting payment on January 1st 2025.
New Members and Renewals: $125.00
​We offer some great benefits check it out!
To own and operate a small non-pleasure vessel (sport fishing charters or anyone carrying paying passengers in boats) in Canada, you must meet your responsibilities as outlined in the Canada Shipping Act 2001 (CSA 2001) and its regulations.
There are numerous regulations and standards that apply to your vessel and its use. Included in the regulations is the requirement for proper commercial insurance.
Access to this type of insurance can be expensive. We, the OSGA, have access to a special group rate for this type of insurance. Our members report that the savings with the special insurance rates greatly offsets any membership costs.
OSGA Membership Also Offers:
Help with achieving necessary Transport Canada requirements. The regulations can be quite confusing and time consuming. We can advise and help get problems resolved and thus save you many frustrating hours;
We monitor and participate in regulations reform allowing our members some influence and a heads-up of changes;
OSGA’s members are promoted on our web site: http://www.osga.ca or https://www.ontariofishcharters.ca/. This site has been developed over a number of years and experiences thousands of hits from your potential customers. You can’t buy what we offer in promotion for $125.00 per year;
Access to a Discussion Forum:
Membership Requirements are:
That members pay required OSGA membership fees;
Meet existing legal requirements for the operation of a small non-pleasure vessel in Canada and conduct themselves in a professional manner. It is the sole responsibility of each member to understand and conform to all the required laws, regulations and procedures for operating their business in Canada;
Subscribe to a proper commercial insurance. The OSGA broker, Arthur J. Gallagher (Vini_DiCarlo@ajg.com or 905-948-2624), provides excellent group rates for our members. Clause 16 of the agreement state that a member’s insurance may be granted as long as that member is attempting to comply with Transport Canada regulations and has proof of that attempt.
Should a member fail to meet and maintain OSGA membership requirements as deemed by the OSGA Executive, they will be placed on probation until a resolution has been met. A loss of membership benefits, including OSGA group insurance coverage, could occur.
Although all persons operating your vessel are not required to be OSGA members, it is mandatory that they also meet Transport Canada requirements for the operation of a Small Commercial Vessel.
If you use a different Insurance Broker, you must carry $2 million liability coverage and you must assign OSGA as third party coverage. You must provide confirmation of this from your insurance broker.
Listed below are some Transport Canada requirements that may apply to operate a Small Commercial Vessel in Canadian waters:
Small Vessel Compliance Program (SVCP): To help with your compliance requirements, Transport Canada created on June 02, 2011 the SVCP for small non-pleasure vessel owners to reflect the 2010 Small Vessel Regulations and Construction Standards for Smd1 Vessels. This is an optional and easy-to-use tool to help make sure your small non-pleasure vessel meets its requirements under the CSA 2001. A successful enrolment in the SVCP will result in the owner being issued a 'Blue Decal' to be displayed on their vessel. Find how to enroll in the program here: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/vessels-small-1485.htm
Safety Equipment: Specific to vessel means safety equipment as defined in Small Vessel Regulations, CSA 2001 or prevailing regulations that are applicable to your vessel and area of operation. Note: vessels over 5 gross tons and operating beyond 2 miles from shore must carry and properly maintain a life raft;
Restricted Radio Operators Certificate - Marine (RROC-M): Available from your local Power Squadron. Digital Selective Calling (DSC) radios may need further qualifications. Note: operators of vessels that do not carry VHF radios on inland lakes and rivers are not required to have RROC-M;
Marine Emergency Duties A3 (MED A3): This course is available from Georgian College, Institut maritime du Quebec and some other course providers. It is a one day course covering Marine Emergency Duties pertaining to small vessels;
Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP): Required by everyone operating a commercial vessel except those that require and have a Master Limited certificate;
First Aid Marine Basic: Available through St Johns or Canadian Red Cross. The Marine First Aid Basic is required by members with Limited Master Certification, all other members need a provincially recognized First Aid Course.
Limited Master Certification: Existing law requires these operator certificates on passenger vessels over 5 gross tons. These can be achieved aboard your vessel - a TC examiner can provide you with the oral, written, and practical parts of the certification. You must have this certification to operate your vessel while carrying passengers. A course is available from Georgian College.
OSGA Website: To promote your business on our website, it is your responsibility to email our webmaster Jayson Marion at jaysonmarion@gmail.com providing your preferred picture, phone numbers, website email addresses, and a short description of your service.